hey... da result was here.. just got back from skewl.. let me tell u da situation in skewl 1st b4 knowing my real result.. oke?
i arrived there at 10.08am.. my bro yg sent me to skewl.. n also, i hav to wear bju skola!!! urgghhh! sengal punyer skola.. xkasik pkai bju laen selain bju skola.. my fren, Amal, g skola pkai bju jeans n kemeja.. n i saw her sad face ngah ckp2 ngan parents die.. she had to go back home, n salin bju skola.. then dtg blk skola.. siot punyer skola!!
ermm.. then, smpai2 jek nmpk Izati.. my classmate.. [bdak ni bakal2 calon 8A toh!!] g la dewan skola same2 ngan die.. n pastu, nmpk B-La n Syaza.. me pon join dowank.. pastu borak2... bla bla bla.. tibe2 pengetua plak berucap.. adess.. igtkn dtg leyh tros ameq result pekse, n tros blk.. gupenyer de majlis2 dlu.. haiyaa~
after she finished her babling.. she called da stret A's student.. B-La was da 4th to b called.. im proud of her!!! then, de nme Buzzel.. nme Ain.. n so sadly, my name wasnt there.. i felt broken hearted.. so sad.. but i kept my smiley face towards my frens on da stage.. there was Izati, Nabilah, Biha, da-prefect-group, n some chinese gurls.. but still, i haf Syaza beside me.. she actually dh check her result dar monink.. she already knows wat she get.. but she kept bothering us when we asked bout her result.. i put my head on Syaza shoulder for a while.. sad.. but.. im redha.. im hepy for all da moments i was in skewl.. i pretend 2 b.. for my frens.. for me, im hepy to c my frens feeling happier than me..
so, my result actuallt turns out just wut i've expected.. B 4 ma Sejarah.. haiyaa~ so sad laaa.. but still hepy 4 ma BFFL.. yeay for 'em.. but sad for me..
i kinda make a promish to ma self.. dunt eva2 cry for wat i'll get for ma result.. xcept if its too good o excellent.. tears of joy xpe.. not tears of sadness.. dunt eva2 cry if my result turn bad!! so, here i am.. feeling redha as eva.. ermmm.. 7A iz still great kn.. myb da B tu balasan dari slalu wat jaat kot.. huhu~
btw, Syaza 6A, B Geografi n Sejarah.. c?? sejarah lagi.. Sejarah iz so damn laa!! huhu~ rase nk bunoh jek Cg. Ten Chee Yong! he's my history teacher.. nk cekik2 die, entak2 pale die kat dinding konkrit.. wahahaha~~ gile2!!
btw, i wanna say thanx to my history tuition teacher, Cg. Khatijah [slalu kiteorg pangey Cg. K.T].. at least i got a B in history.. i never get a B for my history.. paling2 bgus pon C-.. wahaha~ terok kn?! xD
my other frens? they all great.. they got stret A's.. Sadiq, Noreezan, Rizal.. ILee, she same lik me.. 7A B history.. only Faridz n Arash jek yg less fortunate sket.. Faridz 2 A, n Arash 5A.. Paiz, 6A!!! i realy2 didnt beliave it.. but im so so so glad he got dat.. cuz if he do get stret A's, nnti die musti blagak gile nk mamfuih.. nyampah!! huhuhu~~
my kazen, Amira, she got 7 too.. B for Arab n History[again!!].. conclusion for today, History is totally sh*t!! hahahaha~
as my last post said.. think da positive sight.. so, i do think of da bright site.. i get 7A rite? i can still get my RM100-for-a-single-A.. total cash = RM700!! waaaahh!! besh2.. xP
td, b4 blk.. my bro jempot, die bwk g bndr jap.. pastu die banjer cendol.. wawawaa~ org dpt 7A, die banjer cendol kacang RM1.20 jek.. jaat!! [tp xpe laa.. i love cendol kcg very much!!!!] xD
so.. c ya soon~ daaaa~
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