B-La hOuz~~

Thursday, November 30, 2006

today.. went to my bf, b-la, crib.. cuz die de wat mkn2.. wif all her fwens..

but kinda sad laa.. cuz buzzel cant come.. syaza also cant.. Ain lgi xyah story.. dh jdk minah KL.. she stay there, since oliday start.. lme dh xcontact die.. mls nk msg sme die.. lbey beq msg org len.. huhu~

im da 1st to come to her houz.. pomish her to b at her houz bout 11.00am.. but.. haihz~ long story.. but, xpe ar.. im a good-angel arent i..? sure i'll write it 4 u guys to read it..

oke.. initially, mom going send me to B-La's.. she volunteer tho, i didnt even asked her to send me.. my mom sudden baik ati cuz she's going to send my grandpa to ospital.. (rmmbr? recent post..) satu hala ke umah b-la.. justeru, my mom pown sggop nk hntr.. dh siap2.. nk g tuwh, my mom singgah jap kat dad's office.. suddenly, dad plak ckp 'ah.. biar ayh hntr jek ar.. ayh pon nk g sne..' lolx~ y evrybody suddenly beq ati nk hntr aku neh?! strange! weird! awkward!
so, mom pon left... heh! part yg amat menyakitkn ati begin.. dad dpt col, his fwen otw to his office.. we both in da car, just in tyme to start da engine n go.. but dad, 'tggu jap r.. pak cik Salman nk dtg'.. pergh!!

justeru, terpakse ar tggu.. lme plak tuwh.. herrmm.. so, last2.. g umah b-la bout 12pm.. heihz~

end of story..

smpai2 kat umah b-la, i helped her wif som works.. then, suddenly, buzz msg.. told us dat she's not gonna make it to b-la houz.. adeyh! muhsan ar cmnie!!!! uwawawa~
pastu, Rizal plak kate xleyh dtg.. aduh! he haf to go Mlake on a sudden..
my best fwen sume xdtg!!!! sedeyh nyer!!!! urghhhh..

but fortunately, he back early.. so he manage to attend akhirnye.. yeay!!~ he gave da chox dat i asked him to buy tyme die ke Lgkawi ritu.. Ferrero Rocher!! lov 'em!
fyi, Ferrero is da only choz i ate.. other chox, no thx... hate 'em!


da food : marv.! mak b-la mmg pndai msk! walapon Mihun, simple, but sdap bgt!!!
ppl attended : xmuch.. rmai didnt come.. a few showed up.. but yg penting, 'he' did!
enjoyable? : yesh.. cuz i spend 6 hour wif my bestest fwen.. n dat som1 come.. hek2~ but if all my our BFs come, lgi kawai..!

>>> i'm...
..persona non grata
..ME!!! Alina..

Sum 41 - Pieces